🔥 Salmuera or Brine
The Salmuera or Brine for the Asado is a saltwater solution used in meat preparation to enhance flavor and juiciness. By soaking or applying brine to the meat, it retains more moisture during cooking, resulting in a tender and flavorful final product.
Basic Brine Recipe:
The standard ratio is dissolving 3% to 8% salt in water.
For example, for 1 liter of water, use 30 to 80 grams of salt.
You can enrich the solution with herbs and spices, such as garlic, bay leaves, or rosemary, to add extra flavor. 🧂🫑🌶🌿
Application Methods:
1. Soaking:
Completely submerge the meat in the brine and refrigerate for a period that varies depending on the size and type of meat, from a few hours to several days.
This method is ideal for large cuts, like whole turkeys or chickens.
2. During Cooking:
For barbecue or spit-roasting, it is common to baste the meat with brine while it cooks.
This helps maintain moisture and evenly salt the surface.
Benefits of Using Brine:
- Increased Juiciness:
Brine allows the meat to absorb water, helping it stay moist during cooking.
- Enhanced Flavor:
Salt and seasonings penetrate the meat fibers, intensifying its natural taste.
- Tender Texture:
Salt breaks down certain proteins in the meat, resulting in a softer and more pleasant texture.

📹 For a visual guide on how to make brine, check out this video: